Bat House Blueprints How to Build a Bat House

How to build a bat house, while some folks may be wondering why on earth would you want to build a bat house to begin with? Truth is building a back yard bat house is a good idea. Not only will you help the environment by doing your share to rescue the rapidly dying habitat of the bat. They in turn will help you control your pesky insect problem (you know bugs). Bats eat mosquitoes, june bugs, roaches, a variety of moths, termites, and crickets sorry Jiminy. Plus providing a bat house can help prevent bats from making a home in your attic.

For the do-it-yourselfers the popular book called "The Bat House Builder's Handbook" sports a few different bat house plans plus a handy FAQ bat questions, and helpful tips to draw bats to your bat house. This book has been used by Boy Scouts and if a 12 to16 year old yong man can follow the instructions I'm sure you can too.

If you decide that you’d rather not do-it-yourself and bother with tools, you can find a ready-made bat house for sale at this website. Granted they aren't Wayne Manor (couldn't resist the Batman joke) they are nice and range from the simple to the more elaborate bat house designs. You could embellish your house on the outside to spruce it up a bit, but don't worry about putting out a for rent sign the bats will find you on their own while looking for a meal.

Where to put your bat house once you make it

A very sunny location (hmm, goes against the whole vampire bat theory doesn’t it?) About 15 to 20 feet up on a pole or building will do and painted a dark color to help hold in the heat. Make sure if you buy a ready made bat house you paint it with non toxic paint.

So if you like sitting around the veranda or back porch in the early evening you might notice a bat or two flapping about grabbing a quick snack on the fly. Just so you know bats are faithful and can live for up to 30 years, so this could be a lifetime commitment for you, it's likely if they like you as neighbors they will be back next year to raise another batch of pups. I guess the word batlings was taken.

Please don’t feed the bats (huh, isn't that the point)?

Use caution bats are wild animals do not try to catch a bat even a baby to tame it, they can (that means can not do) carry rabies. Although this shouldn’t discourage you from building a bat house just remember they are for decoration only, if you have small children teach them to respect bats as you would any other animal.